Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources

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Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources

Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources

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Acclaimed worldwide as the definitive biography of the Prophet Muhammad in the English language, Martin Lings’ Muhammad: His Life Based to the Earliest Sources is unlike any other. Based on Arabic sources of the eighth and ninth centuries, of which some important passages are translated here for the first time, it owes the freshness and directness of its approach to the words of men and women who heard Muhammad speak and witnessed the events of his life. Martin Lings has an unusual gift for narrative. He has adopted a style which is at once extremely readable and reflects both the simplicity and grandeur of the story. The result is a book which will be read with equal enjoyment by those already familiar with Muhammad’s life and those coming to it for the first time. A distinctive element of the biography is the vivid, approachable narrative style, [5] which is fast moving and flows fluently. [3] The book reads more like a novel [6] and was written in a style, which is easily readable, [2] comprehensible and it uses language, which reflects both simplicity and grandeur. [4] The revelation of denouncing Zaid Bin Harsa from the name of Muhammad as his son to pave the way to marry his ex-wife. Ketika saya sedang mengendarai motor, Fathurrahman sahabat saya di DPPAI menelepon untuk membuat resensi buku “Muhammad” karya Martin Lings. Namun, ketika berpikir tentang Muhammad s.a.w., tiba-tiba yang terlintas dalam benak saya adalah puisi Garuda yang ditulis Emha Ainun Nadjib dan dilantunkan dalam teater tafsir “Tikungan Iblis”, Agustus 2008 silam. Puisi Garuda ini dalam perasaan saya berbicara tentang kesunyian hati. Mungkin ini sekelumit gambaran perasaan Muhammad ketika mendapati generasinya justru lebih paham kisah hidup penyanyi yang ngetop gara-gara Youtube, heroisme Clark Kent dan Naruto Uzumaki, serta “pahlawan” imajiner yang lain dibanding kemuliaan sejarah kerasulannya. Muhammad, sosok yang dicinta oleh umatnya. Namun, tidak sedikit generasi yang tumbuh di tengah ingar-bingar industrialisme ini hanya tahu namanya saja. Perjalanan hidupnya? Rahasia kenabiannya? Atmosfir kesejukannya? Suci karakternya? Beban perjuangannya? Hampir tak ada waktu bagi generasi ini untuk menyelami, apalagi meneladaninya. Kesunyian yang barangkali dialami oleh sekian banyak tokoh, karakter, pribadi masa lampau yang hanya diingat namanya saja, namun cenderung tidak digubris ajarannya.:

Le Prophète Muhammad by Martin Lings | Goodreads Le Prophète Muhammad by Martin Lings | Goodreads

The Secret of Shakespeare: His Greatest Plays seen in the Light of Sacred Art (1998), Quinta Essentia, distributed by Archetype, (hb), ISBN 1-870196-15-5 There is a freshness, clarity and gripping suspense throughout the book… As a text in the how and the why and the when of various revelations—both Koranic and Prophetic traditions—it is enlightening and authoritative… Our author’s familiarity with all the complicated inter-family links of tribal Arabia gives us the certainty that he knows his material thoroughly… This work should be translated into Arabic so that the whole Arab world may drink from it.’ Age of Ayesha at the time of her marriage with Muhammad - which according to correct research was between 16-19 years. In 1983, the book was selected as the best biography of Muhammad in English at the National Seerat Conference in Islamabad. This book was also given "National Seerah Award" by the government of Pakistan. [14] [15] [16] a b c d Martin, Douglas (29 May 2005). "Martin Lings, a Sufi Writer on Islamic Ideas, Dies at 96". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331 . Retrieved 1 April 2016.The late Dr Martin Lings, formerly Keeper of Oriental Manuscript in the British Museum and the British Library, is the author of three works on Islamic mysticism, A Sufi Saint of the Twentieth Century, What is Sufism?, The Book of Certainty, all published by the Islamic Texts Society. Lings and a Salafist scholar named Abu Bilal Mustafa al-Kanadi had a public debate about some accounts of Lings' Biography of Muhammad. The exchange was published by Saudi Gazette. [10] There are many other accounts where writer clearly fell short of giving essential details, the Quraish boycott, preaching in Taif and Battle of Hunain is among some of them. An enthralling story that combines impeccable scholarship with a rare sense of the sacred worthy of his subject.’ A writer throughout this period, Lings' output increased in the last quarter of his life. While his thesis work on Ahmad al-Alawi had been well regarded, his most famous work was a biography of Muhammad, written in 1983, which earned him acclaim in the Muslim world and prizes from the governments of Pakistan and Egypt. [8] His work was hailed as the "best biography of the prophet in English" at the National Seerat Conference in Islamabad. [9] He also continued travelling extensively, although he made his home in Kent. He died on 12 May 2005. [6]

Muhammad - Martin Lings : Martin Lings, Abu Bakr Sirajuddin

Khalid Yahya writes that Lings' book brings early Islamic accounts, many of which are scattered, into a single narrative according to Ibn Ishaq's chronological scheme. According to Yahya, Lings successfully presents what most Muslims believe, and have believed throughout history, about Muhammad. [10] W. Montgomery Watt agrees that Lings' book gives an idea of how Muhammad is seen by Muslims. He points out that the book was based on the earliest Islamic sources, and where there is a difference of opinion in those sources, the book takes the most widely accepted view; and that Lings simply accepts the early Islamic sources without discussing their value. [11] Despite the vastness of the subject, this biography makes an easy and absorbing reading for anyone interested in religion as such. For those interested in Islam one way or another it is mesmerising.’ Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources by Martin Lings". Archived from the original on 24 July 2008 . Retrieved 6 February 2007.adalah tuan rumah bagi segenap peziarah ka’bah yang hadir di Makkah tiap tahunnya. Kekuasaan tersebut dilandasi oleh peristiwa sejarah bahwa Abdul Muthalib lah yang menemukan sumber air zam-zam pada masa mudanya. Kita barangkali bertanya, apa yang dimaksud dengan kenyataan bahwa Abdul Muthalib menemukan sumur zam-zam? Bukankah sumur tersebut adalah mata air yang keluar dari hentakan kaki bayi Isma’il a.s.? Buku ini menjelaskan secara gamblang tentang perpindahan kekuasaan dari klan satu ke klan yang lain terkait dengan “copy right” sumur zam-zam tersebut. Dengan detail pula bercerita tentang satu klan yang kemudian menyembunyikannya dengan menimbunnya hingga hilang selama beberapa generasi dan ditemukan kembali oleh Abdul Muthalib. Siapakah yang menyembunyikan dan apa motif di baliknya? Jawabannya dapat kita temukan dalam buku ini. Buku ini juga memiliki kekhususan dalam hal penyebutan detail nama orang yang masuk dalam ruang sejarah Muhammad. Keterkaitan antara nama-nama penting yang telah kita kenal dalam sejarah islam secara klan disampaikan secara detail dalam buku ini. Misalnya bagaimana hubungan kekerabatan klan antara Muhammad dengan putra angkatnya Zaid bin Haritsah yang sebelumnya merupakan budak keluarga Khadijah. Buku ini juga memuat bagan silsilah para pendiri Klan keturunan Fihr yang kemudian dikenal sebagai Quraisy, asal nama dari sebuah suku besar yang mendiami lembah Bakkah (Makkah). Detail inilah yang nantinya akan membawa kita dalam membangun gambaran utuh mengenai kehidupan Rasulullah teladan umat manusia. Otentitisitas karya ini juga dapat dirasakan melalui penukilan langsung dari berbagai karya klasik terkait dengan ucapan lisan setiap tokohnya. Demikian juga ucapan yang disampaikan oleh lisan Muhammad, maka dalam rangkaian narasi yang disampaikan Lings dalam buku ini dapat ditemukan mutiara-mutiara hadits yang diambil langsung dari kitab aslinya, mulai dari Shahih Bukhari dan Muslim, Sunan Tirmidzi, Ibnu Hanbal, Nasa’i, Abu Dawud dan Ibnu Majah. Sebagaimana yang dituliskan Lings terkait dengan ungkapan Rasulullah di tengah perang Badar, Bergembiralah Abu Bakr! Pertolongan Allah pasti datang kepada kita. Jibril telah hadir, tangannya memegang tali kendali kuda yang ia tunggangi, dan ia akan berperang bersama kita.” Ungkapan tersebut dinukil langsung oleh Lings dari Kitab Shahih Bukhari Bab ke 64, hadits ke-10. Hal lain yang istimewa dari buku ini menurut saya adalah bagaimana Lings menuturkan asbabun nuzul dari ayat-ayat tertentu yang relevan dengan kejadian pada masa Rasulullah. Pola yang demikian menjadi satu nilai tambah bagi pembaca dalam memahami bagaimana konteks sejarah yang menyelimuti suatu ayat sehingga kemudian ia diturunkan. Sehingga tafsir yang dimunculkan terkait dengan ayat tersebut tidak kemudian tercerabut dari konteksnya. Bagi generasi sekarang, boleh jadi ayat-ayat yang dihafal atau diketahuinya tidak dilengkapi dengan pemahaman yang matang tentang bagaimana latar belakang historis turunnya ayat tersebut. Contoh yang dijelaskan oleh Lings dalam buku ini misalnya ayat tentang pengetahuan, “Dan seandainya pohon-pohon di bumi menjadi pena dan laut menjadi tinta, ditambahkan kepadanya tujuh laut lagi sesudah keringnya, niscaya tidak akan habis-habisnya kalimat Allah dituliskan” (Q.S. 31: 27). Turunnya ayat tersebut diceritakan terkait dengan pertanyaan kaum Yahudi mengenai pengetahuan di tengah kegalauan mereka akan keyakinan bahwa Taurat yang diwariskan kepada mereka telah memuat seluruh pengetahuan yang ada. Hal ini setelah The biography has gone through many reprints in English and it has been translated and published into many languages [4] including French, Italian, Spanish, Turkish, Dutch, Malay and Tamil. Lings advocates applying the title of Furqan not only to the Quran but to “every revealed Scripture” (XXV, 76, 1). This is arguable if he means the word furqan in a metaphorical generic sense of separating truth from error. However, it is fair to say he means it literally so as to deny the exclusivity of the Quran as an universal Message among all revealed Scriptures and also the exclusivity of its abrogating status of all other Scriptures for all time, since he actually grants neither superiority nor abrogating-status to the Prophet Mu Splendors of Qur'an Calligraphy And Illumination (2005), Thesaurus Islamicus Foundation, Thames & Hudson, ISBN 0-500-97648-1


Buletin Al-Islamiyah Media Kajian dan Dakwah Universitas Islam Indonesia Mustafaa al Kanadee, Aboo Bilaal. "Perinnialist Poison in Martin Lings' Biography of the Prophet: A Discussion with Martin Lings" (PDF). Fandango. Archived from the original (PDF) on 10 May 2013 . Retrieved 4 July 2013. The Spectator described the book as "an enthralling story that combines impeccable scholarship with a rare sense of the sacred worthy of his subject." The Islamic Quarterly called the book "a true work of art, as enthralling as the best novels with the difference that this is not fiction but fact." [8] The Times said "this work is widely recognized as the most readable account of the life of the Prophet to date." [4] Parabola stated that "for those interested in Islam in one way or another, it is mesmerizing." [9] Lings uses a more archaic style of English to depict conversations and translations of the Qur'an, which helps slows down the rapid flow of the narration. The focus in the book is less about the teachings of Islam and more about Muhammad. [3] 1991 edition [ edit ]

Among the oddest leitmotifs of the book are Lings’ preoccupation with and free dramatizing of physical beauty. Khadijah“knew that she herself was still beautiful” (XII, 35, 1); Zaynab bint Jahsh was “a girl of out standing beauty” (XIII, 40, 1); “Ruqayyah was the most beautiful of their daughters and one of the most beautiful women of her generation” (XXIV, 70,1); ... and so on and so forth. The Quranic Art of Calligraphy and Illumination ( World of Islam Festival Trust, 1976) ISBN 0-905035-01-1 a b Youssuf, Maha (8 July 2011). "Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources". The Muslim Tribune . Retrieved 1 July 2013.

Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources : Lings Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources : Lings

A Sufi saint of the twentieth century: Shaikh Ahmad al-°Alawi, his spiritual heritage and legacy ( Islamic Texts Society, 1993) ISBN 0-946621-50-0 Upon its first edition, the book was subject to criticism by some Muslims who decried the "Perennialist poison" in the book. The author gave public answer in a Saudi newspaper to the objections. [13] Awards [ edit ]mereka bertanya kepada Rasulullah mengenai tiga hal, pemuda yang melarikan diri ke gua (Ashhabul Kahfi), pemimpin pasukan yang menguasai Timur dan Barat (Dzulqarnain), dan soal ruh. Maka, di tengah kesenjangan generasi masa kini akan keteladanan Rasulnya, buku ini dapat menjadi oase yang menyejukkan sekaligus pohon ilmu yang buahnya siap kita petik setiap saat. Lings menghadirkan sosok Muhammad di depan kita secara otentik. Wa Allahu a’lam.[] Susilo Wibisono, S.Psi., M.Si Finally, a truce is arranged between the Muslims and the Quraysh. Muhammad and his followers are allowed into Mecca to perform a Lesser Pilgrimage. When the Quraysh break the agreement, Muhammad gathers his forces and conquers Mecca. His army also conquers a neighboring group as well. Muhammad receives revelations from God throughout this time and as his life draws to a close, he continues to impart this wisdom to his followers. Muhammad is given a choice by God to go to God or remain with his followers. Muhammad chooses God and dies. He is buried in the spot that he died.

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